Saturday morning I took pictures of Serena and Roxie jumping at a show. Roxie was a gooooooood guuuuuuurl. Then she came to Jasper's barn to go for a ride. Check out pix of the day here on Roxie's blog. Yes, she really is that big. (The horse, not the girl).
After a month off, Jasper was... BOING.
You know that riding-a-powder-keg feeling? I decided we'd better burn off some steam in the arena before we hit the trail.

The barn manager and the barn owner's daughter were busy setting up a trail course. It included a horse-eating mattress, a horse-eating tarp, and horse-eating streamers. When you jumped the tarp and cleared it with miles to spare (because there is no way in HELL you're putting your little feet on a TARP, even though you've had tarp training up the ying yang after breaking your owner's finger over a TARP), you stop instantly upon landing for fear of getting too near the long flapping streamers. Oof says rider.
The streamers are alive.
They reach out and try to grab yer face.
They try to wrap their tendrils around you.
They shock yer nose with the power of a thousand suns.
I chuckled a bit when I saw that second photo of Jasper on Roxie's blog, and here it is here, as well. Your seat locks tight as a tick!
I can't imagine two totally opposite horses to go on a trail ride together. I hope Roxie set a good example of trail behavior for Jasper...
I have a few follow-up pics of your warm-up to e-mail as well. They are rad. :)
Looks like fun :)
Wooo hoo...the Autumn has gotten some misty in the brain going for Jasper...he is shaking it out!
LOVED going for a ride with you two..over at Roxie's and here!
Good to see your fun times!
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