He looks so shiny! And you can't see the giant bald spots and teeth marks all over his butt from when I tried to turn him out in the big field with all the other horses for a couple of days.
Serena and I are heading down to the Stanton Farm Derby this weekend. No dressage, all jumping. I'm not exactly how it all works, but the first round is a jumping round based on time and faults. I think there is a jump off if you go clean. Then a cross country round, then a stadium round based on the rules for eventing.
Jasper's had quite a bit of time off in the last couple of weeks. I plan on riding the stadium like hunter rounds (well, if you've seen us go maybe not hunter rounds exactly... but using the whole arena, hopefully a nice steady pace, and giving him a good approach to everything).
On another note, I had a jumping lesson with Betty Hirst last week. I started riding lessons with her when I was in the 3rd grade. I rode with her (on her lesson horses and then on my horse Mindy) through high school and hadn't been back in 15 years. It was crazy how much things were the same, so many memories from that place. Jasper was great and did his first bounces. She commented that he's pretty brave, apparently he didn't look at one of the jumps that a lot of other horses do.
You guys look great - and have fun at the derby!
KICK SOME ASS girl! Sounds like a blast! I've been jumping a lot lately, nothing huge, 18"-2'3, but it has been fun, and Jackson tried to take a jump the other day all by himself. I wasn't planning on it, and he decided we were gonna do it. Not exactly what you want, but it was really CUTE! Jumpin' Jackson says to tell you both "Carrots!" Wha? Oh, he means "GOOD LUCK!"
Those pics are AWESOME!!! Man! You are gonna have frames with y'all in it EVERYWHERE!!!! At least I would...lol.
Jumping makes for really dynamic pictures! The pictures look great!
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