I actually found an eventing saddle. I couldn't believe it when I saw it sitting there in all it's forward flap goodness. Most of the english saddles there are cheap all purposes made in Argentina. It's in good shape and fits Jasper pretty well. It has a spring seat and I was surprised when I sat on it that it squished down quite a bit, but still clears his withers.
But, I have velcro knee blocks on my Ansur Konklusion. I took those off and took everything to the saddle shop. They're sewing velcro underneath to I can attach the blocks and see if it fills in the gap between my leg and the saddle. Has anyone else ever had that problem? I used to ride in a Crump that had a plain flap with no padding whatsoever on my QH mare and it was fine. Maybe it's his conformation and skinny shoulders or something?
If not I'm pretty sure I can get my money back, it was a steal! (I'd really like a Jeffries Flyover.) I also got a pair of Ariat full seat breeches in great condition and a pair of Tropical Riders that are a bit too big but nice if you fold the waistband down. Oh, and a pair of Tailored Sportsmans that were too big but were only $5!!! I gave them to a friend. Plus I sold almost everything I took, I got back more money than I spent. :)
I ride my pony in a Crump. It has no padding on the seat, no knee roles, no nothing. Still, I love it. That saddle isn't going anywhere. Come back in 50 years, and it'll be as good as... well as good as ever.
That said, I can definately appreciate the nice squishy padded dressage saddle I ride my mare in!
Oh wow, spelling fail. Remind me to proof read!
I wish we had those around here, but we don't!
Any idea on how we get one started?
Nice find... I hope you can make it work for you.
What happened to Jasper's ribs?
Awesome! That's the right way to rock a tack sale. Get there early for dibs on the good stuff and leave with more money than when you went in. Kudos! :D
Yeeha! looks to be a clean little jump saddle!
Good haul on selling it all...wish me the same...
I am selling my dressage saddle and -MUCH more- this weekend in our hug-o-Tack sale at Canby fairgrounds. I'm excited...not planning on buying a thing...just selling everything so I may get my ANSUR.
I have my favorite jump saddle(too narrow for the mare) sitting here in the room with me(not to sell) I adore it sooo much...I really wanted the "Elite, as it felt the same, when I sat in it last mo.
Can I ask you...what size is your "Konklusion" and did they tout it as a multi purpose XC saddle-when you bought it? Are the flap not forward enough for you to jump in?
My Konklusion is a Petite. I got one of the first models made, I ordered it before they even started making them. They were being advertised as jumping saddles.
The flap on mine has a big permanent solid knee block. It's great for hacking around and jumping lower stuff, but gets in the way when I want to hike my stirrups up for XC. I think if the flap was more forward it would work a lot better. I have a long femur.
Not sure how to start a tack swap, the 4-H club does it here and I just show up. :) It looks like a TON of work, though.
Thanks for the info on the saddle. They aster made quite differently now...aero space technology in the flexcore tree, removable blocks, foreward flap.
The tack swap was amazingly hard and fast! I sold an average of $100 an hour for the 5 I was there. It was really hard though...never sat down once..I was wiped out!
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